Storm Prep & Support Systems For Trees

Damaged trees can pose a significant safety risk on your property. A Wolf Tree professional can mitigate those risks with safety inspections and tree health assessments, and reinforce trees in need of bracing.

Tree Safety Is A Number One Priority At Wolf Tree

Mitigate tree safety risks with support structure systems for trees. Our tree safety solutions, like tree cabling and bracing, help de-stress, strengthen and protect your trees.

A Tree Safety Inspection Includes An Assessment Of Tree Health To Spot Potential Weakness

Tree inspections are vital to keeping them safe in the event of...

Severe Weather

A preventative, pre-storm inspection can better prepare your tree for severe weather and help to protect your home and valuables during your region’s storm season.

Our arborists will work with you on a plan to better prepare your trees for lightning, drought, flooding, extreme winds, snow and ice storms, and even hurricanes.

Hidden Tree Damage

Not all tree risks are easy to spot. You need to look at the tree’s soil conditions, root system, overall health and other factors that influence a tree’s risk potential.

Signs Of A Storm Damaged Tree

Do you have a tree leaning after a strong storm?

By conducting a risk assessment, your arborist can determine if the tree’s structure has been affected.

 Signs that your storm-damaged tree is in trouble:

  • Trees with cracks that affect more than half of the main trunk generally need to be removed.

  • If your tree is leaning and lost half of its branches, your tree may need to be removed.

A Storm Damaged My Trees! What Do I Do?

Storm damage to trees can be alarming.

If you spot any of these signs, we recommend contacting us immediately :

  • Hanging or broken branches

  • Splits in tree branches

  • Broken or uneven treetop (also called the canopy)

  • Decay, holes, splits or cavities in tree trunk

  • Uprooted or toppled tree

  • Entire tree leaning